I’m not usually one to write reviews, but this game is an absolute masterpiece. I stumbled upon it just yesterday and was immediately hooked. The writing and storyline are so unique, unlike anything I’ve encountered in the games I’ve played before. Honestly, it’s such a refreshing experience. I stayed up late last night just powering through it, and now I can't wait to see how the story unfolds. I love this game so much that I’m about to check out other works from the creator—it's that good!
Not a fan of the game-style, it's very messy. Part comic, part text, part pictures stuck in which-ever-way... it's chaotic and hard to read.
The game menu does NOT help.
The (seemingly) pointless flashback moments seems, well, pointless. But it's not impossible that they will have some sort of use later in the game, so I withhold my judgement on them for now.
The loading option does not load anything, it just restarts the game. The rollback option does not work and, again, just restarts the game. Correction: The rollback works to a -point-, after which it restarts the game. (It may be a flaw only in the earlier parts of the game. I don't dare test it atm, as the loading option have no worked thus far, and I don't want to redo the whole damned game.)
If this game is longer than 5 minutes, that WILL be a BIG problem. Even more so if it's long enough to require you to have it open overnight, as my laptop will almost certainly die. (It's old.)
Do choices actually matter in this game? I see exactly no difference in what happens regardless of what I choose. (Even if you say you don't want food, you still eat the damned food. You say you don't want the room, you still end up there.)
Tip: It's rarely the sight of a corpse, however mangled, that makes people feel sick. It's the smell. And writing feels more alive if you add in scent. (As well as the rest of the senses.)
That's not to say the writing isn't good mind you. The writing may be the best part of this game. (And the chaotic setup thankfully changed to normal visual novel setup after the intro. And that artwork is pretty good.)
I do wish you had more choices tho. And I mean REAL choices. Not just ten ways to accept the same shit you'll be forced to accept anyway. (Or five ways to say you worry about a person you don't care about instead of worrying about being attacked.)
Also not a fan of being stuck on a set path with a single love-interest. But this isn't all that uncommon, so I won't say it's -necessarily- a bad thing.
...why would I even care if some do-gooder I don't know is okay? oO Or worse: volentair at ANYTHING. (I swear if I ever see a starving kid in the streets, I'd step right over them and keep walking. I am NOT a volentair kind of person. So it's bizarre to be roped into something like that in a game.)
Why mentioning that something can be vanquished by killing the killer if that is not an option for you to choose?
I am not convinced there is a SINGLE -real- option in this game... >_> ...which, I guess, makes this a novel, not a game.
But I DO like Vincenzo. He has the best date ideas. ^_^
(The MC's methods are a bit crude, but I suppose the MC isn't the type to study these things, so that can't be helped. I'd personally drag it out longer.)
He's so sweet tho~ ❤️
...it IS good to know that you at least get to switch jobs down the line. Not because I particularly mind the original job, mind you. I just dislike being forced into things.
Is it intentional that the things Crux tells you about Black (and how they met) later in the game doesn't actually match with what he tells you in the beginning?
...who is the person you're dreaming about? oO Is it someone you found? Someone you killed? The landlady? I am not good at understanding guilt, at all, so help me out here.
...does guilt actually hurt THAT much? oO I mean, I've read about it of course, but the fanboy's reaction seems a bit over-dramatic. (Then again, what do I know. I've never felt it myself.)
I'm a bit surprised the witch does not use bone casting. But her lessons are more or less accurate, if a bit "you can find this on wiki" type. (It IS beginner lessons tho, so that's not a bad thing.) (I'd argue over some tarot readings, but that is just nitpicking on my part.)
The game have a rocky start, but it grows on you. (Okay, much of that is Vincenzo. I adore him. ^_^)
The artwork is decently good, and the writing gets better as it goes along. I am not a fan of how little impact your choices have, but even that seem to improve, if only occasionally.
If this game ever gets out on Steam, I most defiantly will buy it.
(But only on Steam. I really don't like buying things other places. Plus, my paypal is stuck in limbo because the log-in is an email I'm pretty sure I deleted. Not that I remember what it was.)
And the demo is wonderfully long, tho it cruelty ends on a cliffhanger before my darling's big show. *Sighs sadly*
I will keep my finger's crossed it will hit Steam when it is finished.
It was mostly at the beginning of the game. And the skip button went too fast so I tried to back up a lot... it may be a problem with the scene changeover. The start of this game is very different from typical visual novels, so I assume they might be programmed differently?
I use Windows. And the quick menu.
I've played it further now, and it looks like it's the beginning parts that's problematic. Once it turns into the normal style visual novel the problems seem to vanish. (I think.) So it could be something with whatever coding you did for the first part of the game. (The comic-book intro and whatnot.)
Ah, yes, that's just supposed to be a quick intro using still images, and it is coded differently than the rest. I had my community test out the loading and rollback functionality because of your feedback for the rest of the game and there are no reported issues.
I am aware it's lengthy to keep playing through all the time, so it has been in my plans to implement a Skip feature for that portion eventually.
It's nice to see someone so dedicated to their work. ^_^
Will this game be on Steam?
Cuz I never got to see the grand show of my sweet darling at the fare (fair?), and I kinda wanna buy the game, but I really hate buying any game outside of Steam. (Not that I can use paypal or anything. My online payment methods keeps getting stuck in limbo cuz I well and truly suck at setting them up. Well...and forget my old emails. ^_^; )
And as that is where the demo ends, I can only assume there are many more hours in the full game. Which makes me curious what will happen. ^_^
Oh, and serious kudos for creating a TRUE Villain love interest!! :D I am so tired of misunderstood anti-heroes playing villains in romance games. I adore the truly wicked ones.
....although it's better if they're use that cruelty to protect me rather than physically harm me at least. (A little mental torture never hurt anyone. ^_^ .....well.... you know what I mean. /facepalm )
As long as he doesn't kill -me- or lock me up, and we're together at the end, I consider that a happy ending. ^_^
Not a fan of redemption paths either. But then again, I never claimed to be a good person myself.
My point is: I love this Vincenzo. A LOT. :heart:
And this game in general. ^_^
And I'll keep my fingers crossed to see it on Steam.
I never thought there would be a game where I'd enjoy all the LI's route but RH proved me wrong! It's interesting to see what each character is hiding, and how who you choose to romance impacts the story.
Finally played the update and got reminded what a great writer Jack is!!
I'm buzzing to play the other routes and see how the events are from their side omg. Honestly I was not expecting things and i was at the edge of my seat, still am tbh.
The effects on sprites/screen are so good im hype as to what new things will be added as time goes by.
I am aiming for an Android version someday, but at the moment, there are conflicting code and UI elements that I would have to re-do in order to achieve this, which makes it very low in my priority list right now.
...Unless there's a random rogue programmer out there who wants to help me make one for free. :') In that case, they should hit me up.
Can't wait for the update! It's already a masterpiece. I love this world, so well-written! All the LIs are 10/10. The art style is divine, the CGs have made me absolutely feral.
December? Yay! SO Double Dead Clause is coming down our chimneys to leave a lovely gift after all! *proceeds to leave out Double Dead Clause's favorite cookies and hot chocolate*
RAAAAAAAAAAA I cannot express how much I need the full release, I'll spend my lifes savings on this game istg, me and my fiance are HOOKED. I can't wait to see more!!
I downloaded this while scrolling through queer games on here, and expected it to be short, maybe an hour at the most. I ended up spending most of my day on it, and it's so much more deep and involved than I expected. The worldbuilding is really interesting, and I'm so excited to see more of it! So far I've only done Black's route but wow... Wow Love Him A Lot. Great supporting cast, too, every single character feels real and believable and I also love them.
Edit: Played the other routes. I enjoyed Crux's a lot, too.
However, I was not prepared for Vincenzo's and was unable to complete it. Obviously I was prepared for it to be dark, but not prepared for how dark it actually was, and I don't feel like the content warnings were at all adequate. It was such an extreme departure in tone from the other routes. Being sexually and violently violated by your love interest, and also having the option to rape and murder an npc was just... not something I expected, and I was not mentally or emotionally prepared for. I appreciate that this content is locked behind a specific route, and I feel like that should make it much easier to warn the player when selecting Vincenzo.
Wait, sorry if this is the wrong place to ask this, but I am VERY behind on a lot of term relevancy and I am confused. I the word "queer" still a slur or actually used with meaning now? I just moved to the West so I am super confused on whether the word is used differently here than it was in my home country.
Also, completely agree with you in terms of the game, I found the worldbuilding to be unlike any other games I have seen on this platform and it reeled me in quickly. It has been two days (as of now) since you posted this comment so you have probably already looked at the other routes, but if not, definitely take a glimpse at them and you will only be more hooked! It looks like the creators know exactly how to catch an audience and I love it!
Queer is a reclaimed slur! Some people are still uncomfortable with the word even in the West, but many of us have adopted it as an umbrella term that isn't as much of a mouthful as LGBTIA+ (endless new letters to include every identity gets tiring to type out). Queer is a nice catch-all category that doesn't leave anyone out.
It's also helpful if you're part of more than one subcategory– as in, instead of saying "I'm pansexual and transgender", I can just quickly say "I'm queer". (Some people also use "gay" the same way, but "gay" has more specific implications that might feel limiting. Queer as a term is basically limitless.)
Hopefully next update after the revised character creator drops, but they'll be vague for the CGs (outside of sex scenes) because I don't want to draw different torsos when it's not the focus of the scene. I'm trying my best to not to bloat the amount of work on the customization because this game has no budget, and if I find illustrating the MC to be more work than necessary, then I might just cut the creator and customized CGs entirely.
Reanimated Heart is Paranormal Romance at its finest, elevated to high art, witty and decadent and tragic with a strong touch of coming-of-age but for the aimless post-college crowd instead of the freshly-morose teenager.
It's relatable, it's snappy, it's beautiful and it's unnerving. It is both comfort food and something that drags you kicking and screaming out of your comfort zone, if you're curious enough to brave that. Visceral and real. It is dark without being truly hopeless. It is cathartically strange. It takes characters seriously enough to treat them like people instead of archetypes. These are not cardboard cutouts, you will believe that they exist beyond the scope of this story, that they live their own life between your scenes with them. Not only the main love interests, but the supporting cast. This is not a dating sim, this is a Gothic Romance novel playfully masquerading as a regular game, drawing you in with visuals and keeping you with the writing.
It's a love letter to freaks that don't know if they deserve or can feel love, and a love letter to itself. Reanimated Heart is uniquely infatuated with its own premise, approaching itself with wide open eyes, without ironic detachment, without the need to take itself down a notch or fill every silence with jokes or make you feel silly for getting emotionally involved in it. It refuses to talk down to the audience, instead inviting you to take full part in exploring and influencing its narrative. It carries itself with both the intricacy of a slowburn and the urgency of something being gobbled up, page after page, in the rush to see it continue blooming. Reanimated Heart is endlessly gentle when it needs to be, and then it twists the knife deep into your guts in ways you will be thinking of long after leaving it.
Play Reanimated Heart, which is already longer and denser as a demo than many finished games end up being. If you pour your love into it, it will pour its love into you.
For those of you looking not for a snack, but a meal.
Oh my god. I honestly didn't even realize this was a demo until it ended, I am so invested. It's honestly hard to choose between all the characters too!!! Very excited for more future content!!
No, Reanimated Heart is still being made. I'm just also working on other projects now, but it won't affect the speed I work on RH (I generally aim for 3 chunky updates a year). I mean, I gave you guys a huge update last month! LMAO
omg btw one thing im confused abt is when u go meet vincenzo and theres a "i want to give u something" choice. nothing happens if i click it so is tht supposed to happen orrr ??????
It should pull up a pop-up where you can gift Vincenzo an item in your inventory that isn't your "essentials", but in this scenario, it looks like you don't have anything in your inventory. I'll see about removing the option if you have nothing.
Me : *violently rips out my couch and shakes it for every penny stuck inside*
*throws it at the screen*
Seriously though, not one aspect was expected nor boring. Everything around the world was so interesting to explore and learn about, I got so invested I genuinely forgot that it was a demo and I played until I hit a "wip" option and the 'end of demo' screen hit me. I do hope this gets developed further.
I have so many questions not just in regards to the characters, but as well as The Tree. I gasped so hard when I saw Vincenzo in that form (i went feral lol). I hope the concept of the whole inter-dimension thing gets explored further in the future! This is honestly great from the get go, everything from the atmosphere, OST, and art is so pretty. I find myself staring at even the simple BGs for a few minutes more than the usual.
Does anyone else pick the female option and still get called a guy in the demo? I've done 3 playthroughs, pick female and she/her pronouns, and get called a guy lmao.
XD I wouldn't mind if it was like dude or something, but yeah being called a guy when I selected female had me like, did I read the character creator wrong??
Omg I'm like the opposite, I think "dude" is more gendered while "guy" is gender neutral... Anyway I'll probably go back to the script at some point and fix all this lol. I do want to do this and do more gendered adjectives to describe MC too. And have the MC have more specific gendered conversations with people. Coming Soon (tm) I guess.
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Thank you for making this game💜 Vincenzo's character made me curious and captivated.
Android plas
Every time I get an entitled comment like this, I will prioritize making Android less, fyi.
I’m not usually one to write reviews, but this game is an absolute masterpiece. I stumbled upon it just yesterday and was immediately hooked. The writing and storyline are so unique, unlike anything I’ve encountered in the games I’ve played before. Honestly, it’s such a refreshing experience. I stayed up late last night just powering through it, and now I can't wait to see how the story unfolds. I love this game so much that I’m about to check out other works from the creator—it's that good!
Can you pls make it available to download in Android, I'm begging pls😞😞❤️🩹
Not a fan of the game-style, it's very messy.
Part comic, part text, part pictures stuck in which-ever-way... it's chaotic and hard to read.
The game menu does NOT help.
The (seemingly) pointless flashback moments seems, well, pointless.
But it's not impossible that they will have some sort of use later in the game, so I withhold my judgement on them for now.
The loading option does not load anything, it just restarts the game.
The rollback option does not work and, again, just restarts the game.
Correction: The rollback works to a -point-, after which it restarts the game.
(It may be a flaw only in the earlier parts of the game. I don't dare test it atm, as the loading option have no worked thus far, and I don't want to redo the whole damned game.)
If this game is longer than 5 minutes, that WILL be a BIG problem.
Even more so if it's long enough to require you to have it open overnight, as my laptop will almost certainly die. (It's old.)
Do choices actually matter in this game?
I see exactly no difference in what happens regardless of what I choose.
(Even if you say you don't want food, you still eat the damned food.
You say you don't want the room, you still end up there.)
Tip: It's rarely the sight of a corpse, however mangled, that makes people feel sick. It's the smell.
And writing feels more alive if you add in scent. (As well as the rest of the senses.)
That's not to say the writing isn't good mind you.
The writing may be the best part of this game.
(And the chaotic setup thankfully changed to normal visual novel setup after the intro. And that artwork is pretty good.)
I do wish you had more choices tho.
And I mean REAL choices.
Not just ten ways to accept the same shit you'll be forced to accept anyway.
(Or five ways to say you worry about a person you don't care about instead of worrying about being attacked.)
Also not a fan of being stuck on a set path with a single love-interest.
But this isn't all that uncommon, so I won't say it's -necessarily- a bad thing.
...why would I even care if some do-gooder I don't know is okay? oO
Or worse: volentair at ANYTHING.
(I swear if I ever see a starving kid in the streets, I'd step right over them and keep walking. I am NOT a volentair kind of person.
So it's bizarre to be roped into something like that in a game.)
Why mentioning that something can be vanquished by killing the killer if that is not an option for you to choose?
I am not convinced there is a SINGLE -real- option in this game... >_>
...which, I guess, makes this a novel, not a game.
But I DO like Vincenzo.
He has the best date ideas. ^_^
(The MC's methods are a bit crude, but I suppose the MC isn't the type to study these things, so that can't be helped. I'd personally drag it out longer.)
He's so sweet tho~ ❤️
...it IS good to know that you at least get to switch jobs down the line.
Not because I particularly mind the original job, mind you.
I just dislike being forced into things.
Is it intentional that the things Crux tells you about Black (and how they met) later in the game doesn't actually match with what he tells you in the beginning?
...who is the person you're dreaming about? oO
Is it someone you found? Someone you killed? The landlady?
I am not good at understanding guilt, at all, so help me out here.
...does guilt actually hurt THAT much? oO
I mean, I've read about it of course, but the fanboy's reaction seems a bit over-dramatic. (Then again, what do I know. I've never felt it myself.)
I'm a bit surprised the witch does not use bone casting.
But her lessons are more or less accurate, if a bit "you can find this on wiki" type. (It IS beginner lessons tho, so that's not a bad thing.)
(I'd argue over some tarot readings, but that is just nitpicking on my part.)
The game have a rocky start, but it grows on you.
(Okay, much of that is Vincenzo. I adore him. ^_^)
The artwork is decently good, and the writing gets better as it goes along.
I am not a fan of how little impact your choices have, but even that seem to improve, if only occasionally.
If this game ever gets out on Steam, I most defiantly will buy it.
(But only on Steam. I really don't like buying things other places. Plus, my paypal is stuck in limbo because the log-in is an email I'm pretty sure I deleted. Not that I remember what it was.)
And the demo is wonderfully long, tho it cruelty ends on a cliffhanger before my darling's big show. *Sighs sadly*
I will keep my finger's crossed it will hit Steam when it is finished.
Huh. From what I've heard, the loading and rollback is functional. What are you doing that is causing these bugs? I'll look into it.
What's the OS you're using? Are you using keyboard commands or quick menu shortcuts? And are you playing saves from older versions?
It was mostly at the beginning of the game.
And the skip button went too fast so I tried to back up a lot... it may be a problem with the scene changeover.
The start of this game is very different from typical visual novels, so I assume they might be programmed differently?
I use Windows.
And the quick menu.
I've played it further now, and it looks like it's the beginning parts that's problematic.
Once it turns into the normal style visual novel the problems seem to vanish. (I think.)
So it could be something with whatever coding you did for the first part of the game. (The comic-book intro and whatnot.)
Ah, yes, that's just supposed to be a quick intro using still images, and it is coded differently than the rest. I had my community test out the loading and rollback functionality because of your feedback for the rest of the game and there are no reported issues.
I am aware it's lengthy to keep playing through all the time, so it has been in my plans to implement a Skip feature for that portion eventually.
It's nice to see someone so dedicated to their work. ^_^
Will this game be on Steam?
Cuz I never got to see the grand show of my sweet darling at the fare (fair?), and I kinda wanna buy the game, but I really hate buying any game outside of Steam. (Not that I can use paypal or anything. My online payment methods keeps getting stuck in limbo cuz I well and truly suck at setting them up. Well...and forget my old emails. ^_^; )
And as that is where the demo ends, I can only assume there are many more hours in the full game.
Which makes me curious what will happen. ^_^
Oh, and serious kudos for creating a TRUE Villain love interest!! :D
I am so tired of misunderstood anti-heroes playing villains in romance games.
I adore the truly wicked ones.
....although it's better if they're use that cruelty to protect me rather than physically harm me at least.
(A little mental torture never hurt anyone. ^_^
.....well.... you know what I mean. /facepalm )
As long as he doesn't kill -me- or lock me up, and we're together at the end, I consider that a happy ending. ^_^
Not a fan of redemption paths either.
But then again, I never claimed to be a good person myself.
My point is: I love this Vincenzo. A LOT. :heart:
And this game in general. ^_^
And I'll keep my fingers crossed to see it on Steam.
It's still under development, and the next update for the fair will be released around March or April with a follow-up on June/July.
Yes, I have plans for a Steam release when it's over, but it is still being actively developed.
And, thank you. I adore Vincenzo to bits, and I love characters that are unashamedly malicious. :3
I never thought there would be a game where I'd enjoy all the LI's route but RH proved me wrong! It's interesting to see what each character is hiding, and how who you choose to romance impacts the story.
Finally played the update and got reminded what a great writer Jack is!!
I'm buzzing to play the other routes and see how the events are from their side omg. Honestly I was not expecting things and i was at the edge of my seat, still am tbh.
The effects on sprites/screen are so good im hype as to what new things will be added as time goes by.
Amazing update, you've got me hooked once again.
Crux has even more of a chokehold on me than before. Curse my taste in men!
Do you think there could be an android version
I am aiming for an Android version someday, but at the moment, there are conflicting code and UI elements that I would have to re-do in order to achieve this, which makes it very low in my priority list right now.
...Unless there's a random rogue programmer out there who wants to help me make one for free. :') In that case, they should hit me up.
Ah ok :D someday 🤞
when is the update im begging 😭
Around Christmas time, if I am correct. Don't worry I am sure Double Dead is working on it, but we also must remember they are one person.
The update will come and it will be wonderful :)
I read something that I didn't know, there is a programmer... buuuuut, as far as I know, it's just one person writing and doing the art.
keep an eye out :cheeky:
Can't wait for the update! It's already a masterpiece. I love this world, so well-written! All the LIs are 10/10. The art style is divine, the CGs have made me absolutely feral.
++ I desperately need to kiss Black on the mouth
plz i cant wait for the update il
December? Yay! SO Double Dead Clause is coming down our chimneys to leave a lovely gift after all! *proceeds to leave out Double Dead Clause's favorite cookies and hot chocolate*
Still being made?
Yes, I'm working on an update for December.
(Side note, why does everyone think this is dropped omg. The last update is not that long ago!)
I AM I LOVE!!!!!!!!!! im dying for the full game. FREE ME FROM MY SKIN IM GOING CRAZY OVER THIS GAME.
this might be the realistic comment ive ever seen
cant wait for the full release 🙏
RAAAAAAAAAAA I cannot express how much I need the full release, I'll spend my lifes savings on this game istg, me and my fiance are HOOKED. I can't wait to see more!!
OH MY GODD I REALLY LOVE THIS DEMO!! the characters are so well written!!! does anyone know if it will be released on steam sooner or later?? ^^
Ughh this game is wonderful.. this needs more attention!!
can not wait for the full game! This is such a well structured story and the art style is beautiful. Great work so far!
Can I date a woman in this game?
oh buddy. yes but i cannot spoil which one it is.
Oh wow, I can't believe this is just the demo!
I downloaded this while scrolling through queer games on here, and expected it to be short, maybe an hour at the most. I ended up spending most of my day on it, and it's so much more deep and involved than I expected. The worldbuilding is really interesting, and I'm so excited to see more of it! So far I've only done Black's route but wow... Wow Love Him A Lot. Great supporting cast, too, every single character feels real and believable and I also love them.
Edit: Played the other routes. I enjoyed Crux's a lot, too.
However, I was not prepared for Vincenzo's and was unable to complete it. Obviously I was prepared for it to be dark, but not prepared for how dark it actually was, and I don't feel like the content warnings were at all adequate. It was such an extreme departure in tone from the other routes. Being sexually and violently violated by your love interest, and also having the option to rape and murder an npc was just... not something I expected, and I was not mentally or emotionally prepared for. I appreciate that this content is locked behind a specific route, and I feel like that should make it much easier to warn the player when selecting Vincenzo.
Wait, sorry if this is the wrong place to ask this, but I am VERY behind on a lot of term relevancy and I am confused. I the word "queer" still a slur or actually used with meaning now? I just moved to the West so I am super confused on whether the word is used differently here than it was in my home country.
Also, completely agree with you in terms of the game, I found the worldbuilding to be unlike any other games I have seen on this platform and it reeled me in quickly. It has been two days (as of now) since you posted this comment so you have probably already looked at the other routes, but if not, definitely take a glimpse at them and you will only be more hooked! It looks like the creators know exactly how to catch an audience and I love it!
Queer is a reclaimed slur! Some people are still uncomfortable with the word even in the West, but many of us have adopted it as an umbrella term that isn't as much of a mouthful as LGBTIA+ (endless new letters to include every identity gets tiring to type out). Queer is a nice catch-all category that doesn't leave anyone out.
It's also helpful if you're part of more than one subcategory– as in, instead of saying "I'm pansexual and transgender", I can just quickly say "I'm queer". (Some people also use "gay" the same way, but "gay" has more specific implications that might feel limiting. Queer as a term is basically limitless.)
Oh, thank you! That makes much more sense than my previous thoughts, take care and have a splendid day/night! <3
Its amazing! like Black is precious and crux is a susssy boi but grete is nice!
When will we get an option to have titties in da game 💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔
Hopefully next update after the revised character creator drops, but they'll be vague for the CGs (outside of sex scenes) because I don't want to draw different torsos when it's not the focus of the scene. I'm trying my best to not to bloat the amount of work on the customization because this game has no budget, and if I find illustrating the MC to be more work than necessary, then I might just cut the creator and customized CGs entirely.
oh that makes sense better to not make a million different things to select :3
actually crying rn black is transmasc?!?!?! i love him so much please
t4t my character and black
Reanimated Heart is Paranormal Romance at its finest, elevated to high art, witty and decadent and tragic with a strong touch of coming-of-age but for the aimless post-college crowd instead of the freshly-morose teenager.
It's relatable, it's snappy, it's beautiful and it's unnerving. It is both comfort food and something that drags you kicking and screaming out of your comfort zone, if you're curious enough to brave that. Visceral and real. It is dark without being truly hopeless. It is cathartically strange. It takes characters seriously enough to treat them like people instead of archetypes. These are not cardboard cutouts, you will believe that they exist beyond the scope of this story, that they live their own life between your scenes with them. Not only the main love interests, but the supporting cast. This is not a dating sim, this is a Gothic Romance novel playfully masquerading as a regular game, drawing you in with visuals and keeping you with the writing.
It's a love letter to freaks that don't know if they deserve or can feel love, and a love letter to itself. Reanimated Heart is uniquely infatuated with its own premise, approaching itself with wide open eyes, without ironic detachment, without the need to take itself down a notch or fill every silence with jokes or make you feel silly for getting emotionally involved in it. It refuses to talk down to the audience, instead inviting you to take full part in exploring and influencing its narrative. It carries itself with both the intricacy of a slowburn and the urgency of something being gobbled up, page after page, in the rush to see it continue blooming. Reanimated Heart is endlessly gentle when it needs to be, and then it twists the knife deep into your guts in ways you will be thinking of long after leaving it.
Play Reanimated Heart, which is already longer and denser as a demo than many finished games end up being. If you pour your love into it, it will pour its love into you.
For those of you looking not for a snack, but a meal.
Oh my god. I honestly didn't even realize this was a demo until it ended, I am so invested. It's honestly hard to choose between all the characters too!!! Very excited for more future content!!
I saw the demo was over and genuinely started tweaking omg after you got me INVESTED with the villain :sob:
did they give up on the game im a little confused due to the new game coming out
No, Reanimated Heart is still being made. I'm just also working on other projects now, but it won't affect the speed I work on RH (I generally aim for 3 chunky updates a year). I mean, I gave you guys a huge update last month! LMAO
So around Christmas/New Years? Best present ever.
AHHH OKKKK sorryyy i didnt notice the update o.o
The mayor is sooo fine wish he was a candidate too
Tbh I think so too. Maybe some day in a spinoff... Don't count anything out LOLL
So good. You have me hungry for more.
am i a big dummy and miss it or did we not get a Black kissy yet :((((
OH the update has been AWESOME btw <3
There will be no Black kisses in Chapter 1!
roger! glad i didn't miss anything! <3
i swear we havent had a vin one either 😪
There is one, but it isn't drawn 😌
OMG WHAT NO WAY 😭 how have i not seen it yet i think im gonna have to replay the game 😭😭😭
omg btw one thing im confused abt is when u go meet vincenzo and theres a "i want to give u something" choice. nothing happens if i click it so is tht supposed to happen orrr ??????
It should pull up a pop-up where you can gift Vincenzo an item in your inventory that isn't your "essentials", but in this scenario, it looks like you don't have anything in your inventory. I'll see about removing the option if you have nothing.
I just wanted to say I seriously love this game. I already replayed the current demo four times. Keep up the amazing work!!!
Me : *violently rips out my couch and shakes it for every penny stuck inside*
*throws it at the screen*
(im actually broke), MORE LORE AND POWERS AND PRETTY PEOPLE PLSSeriously though, not one aspect was expected nor boring. Everything around the world was so interesting to explore and learn about, I got so invested I genuinely forgot that it was a demo and I played until I hit a "wip" option and the 'end of demo' screen hit me. I do hope this gets developed further.
I have so many questions not just in regards to the characters, but as well as The Tree. I gasped so hard when I saw Vincenzo in that form (i went feral lol). I hope the concept of the whole inter-dimension thing gets explored further in the future! This is honestly great from the get go, everything from the atmosphere, OST, and art is so pretty. I find myself staring at even the simple BGs for a few minutes more than the usual.
Does anyone else pick the female option and still get called a guy in the demo? I've done 3 playthroughs, pick female and she/her pronouns, and get called a guy lmao.
Lol, "guy" is gender neutral to me but I'm learning people don't like that. I'll go change it with the next creator update.
XD I wouldn't mind if it was like dude or something, but yeah being called a guy when I selected female had me like, did I read the character creator wrong??
Omg I'm like the opposite, I think "dude" is more gendered while "guy" is gender neutral... Anyway I'll probably go back to the script at some point and fix all this lol. I do want to do this and do more gendered adjectives to describe MC too. And have the MC have more specific gendered conversations with people. Coming Soon (tm) I guess.
Can't wait! I already love what you have done so far.
Crux give me so much balloneta’s vibes, is so cool and i laught hard with him, this game is very great it has such a interesting world, i love it.