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(1 edit) (+1)

is there a guide for this?? :0

Nope. What are you trying to do?

For each love interest, especially Black, i'm unsure if i say the 'right' or 'wrong' things to them. Usually i guess based on their reaction but with Black is more difficult...   

For example, the "Do you think your a good person" scene. Most of his responds to any option seem to be negative. 


I've coded RH in a way where the player character can have dynamic conversations with the characters without punishment (unless you're being a huge asshole). You can usually tell when you're headed a certain plot direction with the prompts instead of arbitrary responses leading to certain endings, so you are free to define your relationships with them and "roleplay." For example, instead of trying to see if your response is "good" to Black, you can use it as a tool to learn more about him and his motivations, how he sees himself, what being a "good person" means to him, etc.


Ohhh that makes so much more sense! Thank you! :) 


Replayed with the updated content and can we just have a moment of silence for Vincenzo's female form..

The new Crux CG has me acting FERAL as if he doesn't know I want to make him my wife???? 

And do  N O T get me started on Black with his cute, oblivious ass❤️ I'm a SUCKER for tattoos and the way his eyes look at my MC during the story?????? Oh, I WANT HIM SO BAD!


i feel like choosing between these three has been one of the hardest decisions that I ever had to make in my life.


Must... have... more... 

Very addictive stuff here, keep up the fantastic work.

(1 edit)

Can you add a few male/masc haircuts and tan skintones?


I can add one more masc haircut in a future update.

But you've commented before on this skin issue, and I asked you what you meant by beige. Now I'm asking you what you mean by tan. There are three darker skin options, one is tan. Can you give actual references about what you mean?


This game is so cool! I'm looking foward for the complete version, hopefully I'll be able to buy it!

do you know how much the game will be when released? xxo (cant find it anywhere)


Hello! I'm planning on the FULL game being $15 (with optional DLC like story expansions and artbook/OST) when it's fully released, but that'll be way into the future haha.


thanks for replying! that's a very fair price. is the demo finished or are you still adding more onto it?

It will span the whole Chapter 1! So it'll still continue until next year, then move to Patreon.


crux is the eccentric type, but he's a dick. (i love him and I want him and am getting massive brain rot over him) but I also could not help laughing out loud at him changing into the ceremonial garb?? he's so funny and cute😭


Okay so i just decide to give it a shot and GOD DAMN THIS SHIT GOOD!!!!! I LOVE BLACK SO MUCH, LIKE AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. okay but in reality it beautifully drawn and secondly each character is greatly  diverse. And the fact they will remember things u do and affects the future is so fucking good. Like l love this


*candy crush voice* TASTY…DELICIOUS ….DIVINE…. This is something that always plays on my mind on a loop whenever I play this game. I am hopelessly in love with black…charmed by crux and enamoured for Vincenzo…and that is all your fault /silly

All my silliness aside i genuinely am impressed by the meticulously built world of Evergreen Hollow…it’s dark, surreal and  beautiful in a melancholic kind of way…and I’m here for it 💚  Honestly I am very very exited and eager for the future updates… and to everyone reading this… stop reading my gibberish and GO PLAY You won’t regret it‼️


I have become obsesed with replaying this demo, I just love Black so much. NGL tho at first I thought he was native american and was so excited but then I actually processed his last name and checked the comments. Black actually really fits as a lot of NA city kids and partially white raised NA kids like myself hence the confusion, but alas, no common background with my new blorbo for me. Can't wait for the next update, once I get my raise in income in august I'm so joining the patreon, only my lack of current funds is stopping me from throwing cash at you and this amazing project.


Hope to see more very soon, very intrigued. Black is actually such a sweetie.


joguei a demo ontem e me apaixonei pelo jogo, ele é realmente muito interessante, a arte é linda e ele consegue prender a sua atençao ao decorrer da história.

nao fiz todas as rotas ((ainda)) mas pretendo! esperando futuras atualizaçoes, mando apoio do brasil !! ٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و ♡


i love this,~~ I am looking forward to more developments!


LOVE LOVE LOVE the game, can't stop playing <3 

is there a discord for the game? someone said there is but i couldnt find anything (p.s crux i love u)


Yes, there is, but it's just my private Patreon server right now. I intend to make a dedicated RH server in the following months. I can make an announcement here + the socials for when they're up, so stay tuned!


Not again! Another game to obsess over and endlessly refresh the page for updates...


I'm in the middle of playing it and I just wanted to say that I love the atmosphere of the game.  Few visual novel creators put much work into the visuals and presentation of the game but it really helps sell the eerie vibe and makes it feel like not just another Renpy game.  Thanks!


Am I unstable for liking vincenzo? (maybe)

(3 edits) (+4)

omgggg just played through all the routes and i am OBSESSED <3

just out of curiosity if we select the option to have black abstain from eating, is there any way to alter the romance scene? or does it remain the same with MC leaving to go home no matter what?

looking forward to the next update!

(1 edit) (+5)

Thank you!!

Yeah, the romance scene is inaccessible deliberately because he'd be so hungry he would just eat the MC. (It's not the best situation, I know, but this choice will get explored more in future updates.)

Deleted 306 days ago

I like them that way?


I like it. It defies the stereotypes that men cannot be beautiful without being gay. I think people should be able to choose whatever aesthetic they want without other things forced into it like it has to be a package deal. 

Keep up the great work, Jack!

Deleted 306 days ago

And I genuinely gave you my answer. I'm non-binary, and I tailor the aesthetic to a more general androgyny because of my preferences.

Also, I don't like this "very offended" comment you're pulling, because if you were really being curious/constructive, you would've elaborated more. Not that it even matters, anyway. The art style is done, so I don't even understand the point of commenting like this.


the whole game gives me a SallyFace vibe somehow,and Black ABSOLUTELY STOLE MY HEART!!!
I'm absolutely going to make a fanart of him and maybe one of Crux bc his desing is just chef's kiss,muah muah!
Can't wait for the whole game to launch,i'll probably binge play it....
AAAANYWAYS,i'm just in love the vibe and the whole art of the game,the plot is good and familiar in a good way,you can really get lost in the demo world without notice....

(1 edit) (+2)

I know! Isn't Black adorable? He's secretly a big cuddly teddy bear... you know, with lots of teeth ^.^


please bite me, black


Didn't realize this was just a demo I'm sobbing please Crux is so fine😭


I'm having trouble remembering how to spell Vincenzo's name, so I decided to just call him daddy instead 😭


Not gonna lie, Crux absolutely captured my heart, but i love these 3 characters in general, i only finished his demo route and i still have the other 2 to do as well but i already like them and  i'm  excited.

This game is BEAUTIFUL, man the art had my attention for sure, i was looking at every little detail of the characters and backgrounds, it's so refreshing and not hard on the eyes at all. The voice acting is absolutely AMAZING and had me shocked with how good they delivered their lines. Their voices definitely fit them as well and i had to go back a couple of times just to hear them again lol.
I love the character designs and their personalities, it's so fun to pick different options and see the information you can learn from them, the lore for this is already so interesting and very good, i honestly can't wait to see more. BONUS: Crux definitely had me laughing a lot.

SPOILER: i loved when it said she'll remember this. i love when games have that aspect and i have yet to play another visual novel that has that, only saw it in games like life is strange. :3

I subbed to the patreon just to be able to support the creators, i wanna do so much more supporting (and i will) for this game because I feel like they definitely deserve it and i can see the effort and hard work that's being put in.

To end this off, i recommend this game! Give it a try, you can save your favorite for last or play them first, you could also save in between and go through the different routes. The fun i had sharing screenshots to my friends of the game and talking about it was on a different level with everything i've recently played, I really am excited to see the growth of this game and continue to support the creators as they continue developing it. It's one of the first games in awhile that had me wanting to throw my money to support it.
I appreciate the hard work you guys are putting in, thank you to everyone on the team. <3


Very happy this lovely review is the page's official 69th comment




this looks like it could go somewhere really cool! looking forward to future updates. <3

Deleted post

Only a large game experience protected me from becoming addicted of this game. This is a very refreshing and story almost amazes with different opportunities.


Ngl hot af


i am in love with the mood you set with this demo, the music, the characters... the full game is going to be amazing!! i look forward to buying it:)


Damnnn I haven’t played yet but I have to say I’m in love with the art style and wondering what will come from this story <3



Enjoying so far! :)

But I got an "An exception has occurred." error after clicking Asha's journal entry (right after the "Next Day" part in Black's route after going to Hana's meeting in the gymnasium). Haven't yet tried it at other times as I think this is the first time the entry is there for me.)

I do have a screenshot and have replicated it a few times in case that's helpful!


Thank you for letting me know! The journal entries aren't as fleshed out as the rest of the game, so I'll see if I can polish them up next update.


THIS IS DELICIOUS SOUP HOLY MOLY, THE ART AND MUSIC IS AMAZING AND IT JUST LEAVES YA WANTING MORE! i’m super excited for once this finishes keep up the spectacular work!!!!! 10000000000000000000000000000000000000/10 would recommend


hello jack can I offer my soul in trade for this game's completion thank you


It will be completed! Just... very slowly. ;) I am but one person!

the new update doesnt work on my mac so i cant play the game sadly :(

Can you describe what kind of error you're getting?

(1 edit)

for some reason the newest update wont open on my pc :(  like it wants to open, but doesnt actually. ive tried both windows and pc since i do run windows 11


I'm still waiting for my programmer to get back to me on follow-up questions, but just to clarify... you downloaded the new update, clicked the Reanimated Heart icon in the folder, and it just doesn't load?

yeah basically! I have deleted and redownload it, it wasnts to open since file explorer slightly fades then it doesnt open. The older versions, however, open. I think its something wrong with the current build unfortunately. If you'd like I can link a screen recording of it! 

That's very odd. You're the 1st person that had this complaint, and just with this update, so it must be something that was implemented with the new code that's incompatible with your computer (either it's the new Ren'Py version or something we added in). I also use Windows 11, so it's not that. We'll keep checking.

We're working on an Android release right now, so you can wait for that if you have an Android.

In the meantime, if you'd like to play it and help me troubleshoot it, can you contact me via email [] or Discord [brokemycrown]? Please identify yourself with your itch username when you do. Thank you! :)

OK I GOT A FIX!! Basically i usually never extract using other file openers (I just extract it with the extract all after a right click) but I extracted it thru winrar and it worked!! Tysm for taking the time to try and help me :)

Oh, that's fantastic to hear!! :D


Checking the last updated date every single day like it's the bible, the day it says 'released' in the description is the day I leave my inferior mortal form behind and ascend into another reality




The doctors have informed me that I need the Black route to be finished as soon as possible so i can play it to avoid certain and unavoidable death


looks interesting, but no female love interests... :(


just pretend crux is a girl trust me its worth


it doesn't work like that lol


yes it does

(1 edit) (+4)

I WANT TO RIP MY BRAIN OUT RIGHT NOW, I LOVE THIS DEMO TOO MUCH!!! I had the game downloaded a few months ago and hadn't played it because I forgot about it, now I decided to play it and god...I REGRET NOT PLAYING IT BEFORE , I WANT MORE, I WANT MORE!!!! i need Black and Vincenzo content so bad ::;

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